Name: Kathmandu Model College
Established: 2000 A.D
The mission of KMC is to provie our students, at an affordable cost, with quality education through such academin programmes that will not only help them carve out for themselves careers of their choice but will also liberalise and broaden their attitude to and outlook on life.
Our goals
- To provide sound professional education to students inorder to enable them to share values and responsibilities in the learning process.
- To make students responsive to all challenges arisingfrom and relating to academic environment.
- To admit students with competence and motivation inorder to enable them to strive for academic and professional excellence.
- To foster all round development of students through both curricular and extra-curricular activities.
S.No | Code | Course Name | Total Intake |
1 | MGMT | +2 Management | 0 nos. |
S.No | Code | Course Name | Total Intake |
1 | BBA | Bachelor in Business Administration | 0 nos. |
2 | BBS | Bachelor in Business Study | 0 nos. |
3 | BA Sociology | Bachelor of Arts: Sociology and Rural Development | 0 nos. |
S.No | Code | Course Name | Total Intake |
1 | MA. English | Masters in Arts in English | 0 nos. |
2 | MBS | Master of Business Studies | 0 nos. |
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