Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB)

Name : Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB)

ESTD : 1989

Country : Nepal

Total Affiliated Colleges : 1

Description :

Location: Sanothimi, Madhyapur Thimi Muncipality 44600
Phone no. : 01-6631362

It is said that education is a life long process, but the basic education that one gets during the formative year definitely contributes to the shaping of one's future and outlook. This is where; the school and high school education assumes importance.

Today's school is not merely a school it is much more.

Its teachers and staff together with the guardians and students give it a wholesome environment. As student not only finds a guru here but guides and friends for life. It is a place to inculcate the fundamentals of honored values. The education of the weak brains between the ages of 17 - 18 is counted within the school education in the international arena.

Further the students of this age group require a disciplined environment of the schools rather than that of the universities because of their sensitive age factor. It was precisely for these kinds of reasons than the educational planner, administrator, pedagogues and experts took the initiative to bring about a change in the existing educational structure by incorporating two more years of schooling in it, grade XI and grade XII, known as higher secondary level.

For this purpose, two important seminars were organized in which educational professionals and responsible authorities participated and eventually concluded with a consensus that the 10 + 2 system be established and operated with optimum efficiency and effectiveness.

Following this outcome, Government of Nepal decided to introduce the Higher Secondary Education Act, which came into effect in 1989 A.D. Later, as stipulated in the Act, the Higher Secondary Education assembly was constituted under the chairmanship of the Minister of Education.

Subsequently Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB) was established in 1989 under the Higher Secondary Education Act.

The board is involved in running the 10 + 2 system in the country.

Nepal National Commission of Education 1992 recommended the importance of the 10 + 2 structure in the education system and viewed it as the first step towards specialization.
Incorporating extra two years in school education was a change in the existing educational structure aiming at meeting the middle level manpower and imparting necessary knowledge and skills to the students pursuing further education.

The higher secondary education in Nepal, is nothing more than the result of globalization, a need to come in terms with the global markets when the world is turning into a global village, and the countries, borderless.

Today is the time of multiculturalism, where every voice from every country is striving to have their say. Today the situation may be viewed as an indeterminate set of attitudes that has been shaped by various diversities of cultural and intellectual currents.

Here, education cannot be separated from this politics of existence because it is only through education that one can prove them.

Today's world with its constant and extensive interaction between people of different countries demands a system and standard of education that can earn international recognition.

On the other hand no education system will be viable if it has no relevance to the community and its environs. So, the Higher Secondary Education is a critical stage in development of the human resources essential for economic development and social progress of the country.

Passing various difficult phases with the passage of time, education is gradually getting due priority in the regions of our country.

The 856 higher secondary schools at present and the possibility of its proliferation show that the establishment of the Higher Secondary Education Board will be justifiable in the future to come.

The board is involved in running the 10 + 2 system in the country in both English and Nepali Medium but for Science Stream,English Medium is compulsory.

Specified Objectives

The structure of school education in Nepal:
      Primary Level     (grade 1 - 5)
      Lower Secondary     (grade 6 - 8)
      Secondary     (grade 9 - 10)
      Higher Secondary     (grade 11 - 12)

The ninth plan as well as the tenth plan (current five year plan) of the government is determined to implement special programs for reducing caste-based, gender based and other inequalities in both secondary and higher secondary levels. The plan also says the proficiency certificate level programs of the universities will be phased out to higher secondary schools.

The report of the Nepal National Commission of Education (1992) reiterated the earlier recommendation to include the 10 + 2 program in the education system, and also viewed it as the first step towards specialization. However, it was felt that the program should essentially focus on the need for meeting the requirements of middle level manpower, and for imparting necessary knowledge and skills to the students pursuing further education.
Specifically, the objective of Higher Secondary Education then are to:

  •     Prepare students for the world of work especially in meeting middle level manpower requirements in different fields.
  •     Prepare students for general higher education and for professional disciplines.
  •     Prepare the youth with competitive strength required for a patriotic, disciplined and productive human resources while contributing to the shaping of one's future and outlook.
  •     Adopt a system of greater equality in opportunities by reducing by reducing regional and ethnical disparity and promoting female participation.
  •     Aim to produce the ambassadors of culture, who irrespective of caste, class, gender and ethnicity respect the cultures that exist in human society and the politics of plurality.

Function of Higher Secondary Education Board

The main functions are as follows:

  •     Granting approval for + 2 schools.
  •     Developing and revising curricula and textbook materials.
  •     Conducting examinations and publishing results.
  •     Awarding certificates to Higher Secondary graduates.
  •     Supervising and monitoring Higher Secondary School programs. I
  •     Implementing plans and programs for improving Higher Secondary Education.
  •     Recruiting technical, professional and administrative staff.
  •     Designing and implementing training programs for +2 school teachers and other staff.
  •     Conducting seminars and workshops.
  •     Undertaking research activities, which focus on various issues in this field.
  •     Keeping liaison with various national and international institutions.

       (Source: http://www.hseb.edu.np/about-us)

Affiliated Colleges
Prasadi Academy Higher Secondary School Address : / Lalitpur Levels : | Intermediate |
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